And we’re off! Aid collected from Mobberly Methodist Church yesterday, and off on the ferry first thing this morning. A huge thanks again to Stenaline for our free crossing, the staff have been so friendly and helpful. Next stop Holland!
We also have to give a shout out of thanks to Harwich and Dovercourt Funeral Services – our secure parking let us down at the last minute, which is very important given how essential our cargo is!
The staff at Walter Craven Funeral Services in Liverpool (who have already given a great donation) jumped to the rescue and called a fellow independent near where we were staying.
Harwich and Dovercourt stepped in to open their gates out of hours in the evening and first thing in the morning so our donations were safe.
It’s brilliant to see how many independent businesses can pull together for this good cause.

So inspiring to see your team making a difference to the lives affected by this terrible situation
If you need a driver (retired police officer) I’m available, zero points licence. You’re doing a great job!